1540 NM Non-ablative Fractional Laser Treatment

1540 NM Non-ablative Fractional Laser Treatment

1540 NM Non-ablative Fractional Laser Treatment

Cutera’s 1540 nm Erbium Glass laser is a fractional laser system designed for skin resurfacing and rejuvenation. Here’s a breakdown of how it functions:

1540 nm Wavelength: This laser emits light at a wavelength of 1540 nanometers (nm), positioned within the infrared spectrum. This specific wavelength is effectively absorbed by water in the skin, enabling precise targeting of both the surface and deeper layers of the skin.

Fractional Technology: The Cutera laser uses fractional technology, treating only a portion of the skin’s surface area in each session. It delivers laser energy through an array of microscopic beams, sparing the surrounding tissue. This approach promotes faster healing and minimizes downtime compared to traditional ablative laser treatments.

Erbium Glass Medium: The laser medium in the Cutera system is erbium-doped glass, which efficiently delivers energy at the 1540 nm wavelength for precise and consistent treatment outcomes.

Selective Photothermolysis: The laser targets water molecules in the skin, heating them to cause coagulation in the specific tissues. This initiates collagen production and supports the restructuring of skin tissue.

Collagen Remodeling: The Cutera laser induces minor thermal damage, which prompts the body’s healing mechanisms. This leads to new collagen formation, enhancing skin texture, firmness, and elasticity, thereby reducing fine lines, wrinkles, and other signs of aging.

Precision Care: The Cutera laser system breaks away from conventional, fixed-setting lasers. It empowers practitioners to become architects of personalized treatments. By adjusting laser penetration depth and coverage density, they can create a customized plan for each patient’s unique skin type, specific concerns, and desired results. This meticulous approach optimizes outcomes and minimizes the risk of unwanted effects.

Broad Spectrum Capabilities: The Cutera laser’s true strength lies in its versatility. The 1540 nm Erbium Glass laser goes beyond standard resurfacing and rejuvenation. This innovative wavelength effectively targets a wider range of skin concerns. Acne scars, surgical scars, stretch marks, and uneven pigmentation can all be addressed with this multi-purpose system.

Overall, Cutera’s 1540 nm Erbium Glass laser offers a versatile and effective solution for improving skin quality and appearance, with minimal discomfort and downtime.

Benefits of 1540 NM Non-ablative Fractional Laser Treatment

  • Improves wrinkle and fine-line appearance
  • Improves skin texture
  • Minimizes scars and stretch marks
  • Suitable for various body areas
  • Non-surgical and minimally invasive
  • Encourages natural collagen production
  • Safe for most skin types
  • Quick sessions usually under an hour
  • Long-lasting results
  • Minimal downtime required


This treatment is ideal for individuals who want to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and stretch marks without undergoing surgery.

Visible improvements generally appear after the first few sessions, with optimal results developing as the skin recovers over several months.

The effects of this treatment can last for several years, although this may vary depending on the individual’s skin condition and care routine.

This laser treatment typically involves minimal downtime, allowing most individuals to resume their daily activities immediately. Some may experience slight redness or swelling, which usually resolves within a few days.

To protect the treated areas, avoiding direct sunlight and using sunscreen is essential. Post-treatment, keeping the skin hydrated and avoiding abrasive skincare products can help enhance healing.

Clients will feel the heat during the treatment as the laser works on the skin, but discomfort is typically minimal. Cooling measures are often applied to ensure comfort throughout the procedure.



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