Laser Vein Reduction

Laser Vein Reduction

Laser Vein Reduction

The Cutera Xeo laser system offers treatments for reducing veins’ appearance, particularly spider and varicose veins.

Targeting Blood Vessels:
The Xeo laser emits a specific wavelength of light absorbed by hemoglobin, causing it to thicken and collapse. This process is known as photocoagulation.

Closure of Veins:
The targeted laser energy heats the walls of the veins, causing them to seal shut. Over time, the body naturally absorbs and eliminates the closed veins, reducing their visibility.

Reduction of Spider Veins and Varicose Veins:
Xeo laser vein reduction is particularly effective for treating spider veins (small, superficial veins) and smaller varicose veins. It can smooth and clear the skin and reduce its appearance.

Minimal Discomfort and Downtime:
Xeo laser vein reduction is a minimally invasive procedure that typically involves minimal discomfort. Patients may experience some mild redness or bruising in the treated area following the procedure, but this usually resolves within a few days. The treatment has minimal downtime, and most patients can resume their normal activities shortly afterward.

The Cutera Xeo laser system offers versatility in treating different sizes and depths of veins. It can be adjusted to target specific types of veins and used on various body areas, including the legs, face, and other regions where veins may be prominent.

Overall, Xeo laser vein reduction provides a safe and effective way to eliminate unwanted veins, improve skin appearance, and boost confidence. It’s commonly performed in dermatology clinics and medical spas by trained professionals. Depending on the size and severity of the veins being treated, multiple treatment sessions may be required for optimal results.

Benefits of Spider Vein Reduction

  • Non-surgical treatment
  • Minimal discomfort
  • No downtime needed
  • Quick sessions, typically under 30 minutes
  • Effective on various body parts
  • Improves skin appearance
  • Long-lasting results
  • Safe and precise laser application
  • Suitable for most skin types
  • Reduces the visibility of spider veins


Individuals with visible spider veins who prefer a non-invasive treatment option are ideal candidates for Spider Vein Reduction.

Results typically appear a few weeks after the first treatment, with significant improvements visible after completing the recommended sessions.

The results from Spider Vein Reduction are long-lasting. Many patients experience permanent removal of treated veins, although new veins may appear over time.

No downtime is necessary after undergoing spider vein reduction. Some patients might experience mild redness or swelling around the treated area, but this usually subsides within a few hours.

Avoid sun exposure and any skin irritants before and after treatment to minimize side effects and enhance healing.

During the Spider Vein Reduction procedure, you will feel a series of quick, sharp light pulses as the laser targets and diminishes the veins. The process is generally comfortable and fast.



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